women with bad breath

Different types of bad breath

January 23rd,2020

Bad breath or Halitosis is a common dental problem similar to periodontal issues and tooth decay. People with this disorder hate to open their mouths and speak freely because of the nasty smell in their mouth. This problem affects their daily life as nobody likes to talk with them or stand near them due to the unpleasant odor.

The food particles stuck on our mouth is breakdown with the help of bacteria. This bacteria release some compounds with a bad smell that is responsible for the bad breath.

Bad breath occurs not only due to these bacteria but also because of other health issues. However, if you suffer from bad breath, the first step you have to take is a dental examination. There are some main reasons for bad breath, they are

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Some drugs and medications
  • Smoking
  • Dry mouth
  • Other health issues

Based on these reasons bad breath can occur in different ways. They are

Diabetes breath

One diabetic patient’s human body produces less insulin. Therefore his/her body requires to burn higher fat. Such a process of burning fat delivers a chemical called “ketone” The ketone is another factor behind the mouth’s nasty odor.

Chronic kidney failure is another cause of bad breath in diabetes. It produces fishy or ammonia smell. Also called uremic fetor, the volume of urea in the saliva will be high and its breakdown to ammonia produces the smell.

Liver breath

Liver breath occurs due to liver failure that produces sweet and rotten odor in the mouth.

Drug breath

Consumption of certain drugs and medications dries your mouth by absorbing saliva. Medicine to treat diseases like asthma, obesity, and Parkinson’s disease are strong to produce poor drug breath.

Gut breath

Some stomach acids are produced if our digestive system is disturbed or obstructed. These acids are responsible for bad breath, which falls under the division of gut breath.

Menstrual breath

Women gets easily affected by gum diseases during the menstrual period. During this period the secretion of saliva in their mouth will be less. Due to this their mouth gets dried easily leading to bad breath.

Lung breath

Lung infections are the reason for lung breath. Some of the main lung infections included here are Bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary abscess, pneumonia, and TB. It is the primary symptom of lung cancer. Other problems like cystic fibrosis and Asthma also produce bad breath.

Tonsil breath

Two tiny pads of glandular tissues located at the edge of our throat are called tonsils. If some food particles get stuck between them, it becomes harder and develops into tonsil stones. These tonsil stones are also a reason for bad smell in the mouth.

Metabolic breath

Consuming foods that have low carbohydrates and fewer nutrients is also one of the reasons for bad breath. In fast foods, there will not be any sufficient nutrients, which makes it difficult to burn fats. To burn more fat, ketone is produced, that is a reason for bad breath.

These are some of the types of bad breath occurs due to various health issues. People who get affected due to halitosis doesn’t know whether the problem occurred due to oral issue or other health issues. However, visit a dentist to know the reason for your bad breath and prevent any disease early.

teeth whitening in dental

Different types of teeth whitening procedures

January 21st,2020

A whiter and brighter smile is a dream for all. If you wish to get whiter teeth there are a lot of procedures available. You can choose the best out of it. Here are some teeth whitening procedures that help you.

Professional teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening is the best and safest method to whiten your teeth. This method is usually performed by the dentist, and they know well about your teeth. They reduce the risk of gums and teeth damage.

Here in this method, a highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel is applied on the teeth, and the gel is hardened using polymerization light. The process is repeated until the teeth become whiter.

If you want to whiten your teeth within a day, professional teeth whitening is the best option. Remember it is expensive too.

In-home whitening

This is also one of the best methods of teeth whitening. In this method, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and prepare a custom-made tray. A whitening gel is filled into the tray and placed it on your mouth. This keeps the gel in place and avoids direct contact with the gum as it harms.

The result will be achieved typically within 2 to three weeks.

Whitening toothpaste

While all toothpaste removes some surface stains due to their abrasiveness, whitening toothpaste do it a bit more. It can remove staining in teeth but not the internal color of your teeth.

This is because whitening toothpaste is more abrasive than normal toothpaste. A combination of whitening toothpaste and an electric toothbrush is an ideal option for teeth whitening.

Baking soda

This method is very easy where you can simply add water with baking soda and dip your toothbrush in it and brush your teeth. This method is very safe, as there are no harmful chemicals involved. This will remove some surface stains and brighten your teeth effectively.

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient method used to maintain healthy teeth and prevent bleeding gums. Coconut oil is mostly used for oil pulling. It eliminates bacteria that cause bad breath and remove some surface stains. It does not completely whiten your teeth, but due to its large benefits, it should be added to teeth whitening procedures.

Tips to prevent stains on teeth

  • Always eat food rich in nutrition
  • Brush your teeth regularly with proper brushing technique
  • Floss Regularly
  • Rinse your mouth after each meal
  • Avoid coffee, dark tea, and red wine
  • Quit smoking
  • Do oil pulling regularly

Always visit your dentist and get the best solution for your problems. Don’t create any problem by taking any risk on your teeth. Have a brighter smile.

green tea

Dental health benefits of Green tea

January 13th,2020

You may have known already that green tea acquires a lot of health benefits. But do you know this is actually good for your mouth too?

Green tea is a gift for enhancing your taste buds and also improves your oral health.

Here are some of the benefits of green tea for your dental health.

Reduced oral cancer

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and other healthy properties, which helps in protection against cancerous tumor growth and cellular damage.

Healthy teeth

Green tea enhances bone health and also your teeth health. Research says, people who drink a cup of green tea every day without added sugar are likely to have less chance of teeth loss when compared to those who drink coffee.

Prevents Plaque

This sticky substance present on the teeth allows bacteria to multiply and cause tooth decay. Epigallocatechin gallate is a substance present in green tea, which helps to fight against bacteria that are responsible for dental plaque.

Improves gum health

The anti-inflammatory property of green tea helps in controlling periodontal gum disease. Research says, people who drink green tea regularly have healthier gums than others who don’t drink it.

Eliminates bad breath

Green tea helps in eliminating bad breath as it destroys the bacteria that are stick on our mouths. Also, it enhances the taste buds and improves the taste sense. Green tea is far better than mints, parsley seed oil, and chewing gums. You can also read these natural remedies to fight against bad breath.

Prevents dental cavities

Green tea reduces the amount of plaque as well as limits the bacteria levels that can be helpful in preventing cavities. In research, patients were insisted to rinse their mouth with green tea for 5 minutes.

The result is tremendous, bacteria in their mouths were reduced and their bleeding in gums was also reduced. Thus the result proved green tea helps in reducing cavities and tooth decay.

Reduced teeth loss

As already said green tea prevents tooth decay and cavities, consuming it regularly will give healthy teeth for a long time and reduces early teeth loss.

Keeps hydrated

Green tea naturally helps in keeping your teeth hydrated. Being hydrated promotes saliva secretion. This helps wash away leftover particles that are responsible for plaque and tartar buildup. Consuming green tea regularly is the best way of having a cleaner mouth.

Green tea is consumed mostly in countries like China, Japan, and India due to its vast range of health benefits. It prevents various problems in the body like cancer, strokes, heart disease, skin disorders, memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and liver disorders.

Replace your normal coffee/tea with green tea, and improve your overall health. Have a healthy smile!

dry mouth

Harmful impact of dehydration on your dental health

January 7th,2020

Staying hydrated is not only good for your body health but also for your dental health.

During hot summer days, it is very essential to stay hydrated to maintain proper chemical balance in the body. Improper balance due to dehydration may cause various problems such as bad breath, decay, and gum problems. A beautiful smile is boosted by drinking plenty of healthy drinks.

Dry mouth causes various impacts on dental health like gum diseases. Your saliva plays an essential role in your dental health. It washes away hidden food particles and bacteria and helps in maintaining good oral health.

Dehydration is the main factor that reduces the secretion of saliva in the mouth. When you are dehydrated, bacteria in the mouth multiply easily and create various oral infections.

Here are the problems that will occur due to the dehydration

1) Bad breath

When you are hydrated, the secretion of saliva will be more. Saliva continually washes your teeth, gums, and tongue and helps in maintaining fresh breath. Hence leaving your mouth in a dry condition can give you bad breath. Always moisten your mouth to stay away from bad breath.

2) Tooth staining

When food particles and drinks left over the mouth for a long time, it will stain your teeth. Saliva reduces stains by rinsing away these food particles before it stains your enamel. Thus staying hydrated also helps you to maintain whiter teeth.

3) Weaker enamel

Your enamel will be weakened if there is no proper supply of some minerals. Saliva supplies calcium, phosphate ions, and fluoride to the enamel of your teeth. These mineral supplements strengthen your enamel and do some microscopic repairs. Being hydrated gives you stronger teeth and enamel.

4) Cavity

The above-said minerals are also responsible for fighting against harmful bacteria. Dehydration in mouth causes these bacteria to expand and create a cavity and several other infections. Keeping your mouth hydrated boosts saliva secretion and protects from cavities and other infections

5) Gum disease

Gum disease or periodontal disease occurs due to the main reason of plaque build-up and bacteria. Saliva helps in minimizing periodontal disease by washing away this plaque and bacteria constantly.

Rehydrate yourself to reduce the risk of oral problems. Drinking adequate water helps in secreting saliva constantly. When we age, the ability to eliminate water will be lost in the kidney. Here are some ways to stay hydrated gradually.

Prevention Techniques

  • Chewing – Chewing compresses your salivary gland muscles and helps in releasing saliva. Always chew sugar-free gums to secrete saliva.
  • Limit consumption of coffee and alcohol and minimize salt.
  • Eat foods that are rich in water such as applesauce, salads and fruits.
  • When you sweat, the electrolytes in your body will be lost. Drinking coconut water helps you to regain the lost electrolytes.
  • Use mouth wash that is alcohol-free.
  • Do not smoke. It improves your mouth hygiene as well as overall health
  • Breathe through the nose instead of the mouth, especially on summer days.

Always keep your mouth hydrated, if you feel any symptoms like cracked lips, bad breath, dry tongue, dark urine, nausea, etc., consult your dentist immediately to prevent various dental problems that occur due to dry mouth.