What is meant by Gum tissue graft surgery

What is meant by Gum tissue graft surgery?

July 27th,2020

Do you notice your teeth appear longer than actual and feel sensitive while taking hot or cold foods? If yes, you have gum recession and you need a surgical procedure to prevent its harmful consequences.

Gum recession is a common clinical problem that involves the tissues surrounding a tooth pulls away and exposing the tooth’s underlying regions. Such receded gums occur as an effect of bruxism, aggressive tooth brushing, Plaque & Tartar build up over the gum lines.


What are the common tongue Problems

What are the common tongue problems and Why do they occur?

July 22nd,2020

The tongue is a muscular organ with no intrinsic bones and it is covered with lingual membranes. The upper surface of the tongue contains small bumps called Papillae that give the tongue its rough texture. The taste buds also present between the small nodules present over the surface and base of the tongue. Apart from sensing the taste of a dish and communication, the tongue plays a crucial role in breathing as well. Moreover, tongue aids in maintaining the shape of our mouth and face.


How does common cold affect our oral health

How does common cold affect your oral health?

July 20th,2020

Common cold seems a normal problem and exhibits symptoms like runny nose, cough, congestion and sore throat. In general, every adult gets cold 3 to 4 times a year whereas kids have 6 to 10 times. In certain cases, flu and common cold persists for more than a week and hurt pain and teeth. Keep in mind that such oral complications when you have cough are warning signs of harmful diseases.

In this article, we have explained the impact of cold diseases on our dental health and simple tips to overcome the difficulties.
