Is it possible to cure gum pockets naturally?

June 28th,2023

Generally, the gum tissues are tightly attached to the teeth. When an infection occurs in the gums, a deeper space around teeth under the gum line is formed. Such pathologically deepened gingival spaces are called gum pockets.


4 dental causes of snoring you might not know

June 21st,2023

Snoring is a benign condition until it becomes chronic. People of all ages snore at times, but regular snorers are more likely to develop serious ailments like stroke, blood pressure, heart problems, etc.

It happens due to obstructed breathing while sleeping. When the airway is partially blocked or narrowed, air cannot flow freely in the airway.

In such circumstances, soft tissues in the upper airway vibrate against each other while breathing, followed by producing a harsh sound. As snoring has roots in sagging tissues in the upper airway tract, various factors like nasal congestion, overweight, and alcohol consumption are responsible for it.

Likely, certain dental problems also provoke snoring. We have seen many teeth grinders suffering from snoring.

In this blog post, our dentists list a few dental conditions that can lead to snoring. Keep reading.

What are the dental causes of snoring?

Abnormalities in teeth and oral tissues can affect the physiology of our mouth, having aftereffects like jaw structure changes, narrowing down the airway, etc. Researchers found that the following oral problems increase the likelihood of developing snoring:

Missing teeth

Teeth play a crucial role in preserving the structure of your mouth and jaw. If you ignore replacing a missing tooth, it will make your mouth collapse inward. It is followed by bone loss in the jaw or a shrinking jaw. In such circumstances, the tongue has less room inside the mouth to sit comfortably, so the tongue obstructs the airflow into and out of the mouth. Hence snoring occurs.

Moreover, it is hard to close the lips correctly when bone resorption occurs. It leads to breathing difficulties and snoring.

Wisdom teeth eruption

Wisdom teeth (or) Third molar teeth generally erupt between 17 and 25. As these teeth erupt lately, our mouths do not have sufficient space to accommodate the wisdom teeth. Hence they will erupt partially or come in awkward angles, causing various discomforts like pain, overcrowding of teeth, etc.

Moreover, the soft tissues surrounding the partially erupted teeth are susceptible to infection and become inflamed. This condition is called Pericoronitis. Pericoronitis patients would keep their mouths open while sleeping. As it makes the victims breathe through their mouths instead of their nose, they start to snore frequently.

Misaligned jaw

Temporomandibular joint is where our jaw bone is connected to the skull. It should be well-aligned for the regular functionalities of our mouths. When it is misaligned due to habits like teeth grinding and clenching of teeth, the lower jaw tends to stay far back from the mouth. It will upset the jaw bone’s support to the tongue hence that the tongue will partially obstruct the airflow, causing snoring.

Throat muscle spasms

When muscles in the throat contract too much (i.e.) relaxed excessively, it gives a feel of a large object stuck in the throat. This condition is called throat muscle spasms or Cricopharyngeal spasms.

Such relaxed tissues in the throat block the airways and vibrate against each other with airflows, leading to snoring.

Bottom line

Snoring begins with obstruction in breathing. Aside from factors like age, sleeping position, lifestyle changes, and bodily disorders, various dental ailments also block the airway and make tissues in the throat vibrate. The more forceful the airflow becomes, the more the harsh sound it produces.

If snoring is left untreated, it will cause oral problems like dry mouth, cavities, gum diseases, etc. Moreover, it is associated with problematic health conditions like hypoxia, type 2 diabetes, etc.

Luckily, you have various snoring treatment options like CPAP machines, thanks to advancements in dentistry. We recommend consulting a dentist if you notice symptoms like pain in teeth and jaw while getting up from bed, gasping for breath, swelling in gums.

It is because they indicate oral ailments cause your snoring problems.

Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Pulpotomies

Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Pulpotomies

December 19th,2022

A pulpotomy procedure involves removal of coronal pulp while trying to preserve the health of the remaining radicular pulp tissue.

It is one of the most widely used methods to save infected, decayed teeth. Your dentist might recommend it if you or your child has a severe cavity and pulpitis, an inflammation of the pulp inside the tooth.

What is meant by Pulpotomy?


Everything You Need to Know About Green Teeth

Everything You Need to Know About Green Teeth and What Causes Them

September 28th,2022

A cheerful and confident individual always has a pleasant smile on their face. When compared to green or discolored teeth, white teeth are frequently synonymous with a beautiful smile. Most people visit dentists who specialize in teeth whitening to have their teeth brightened.

Both primary (baby) teeth and secondary (permanent) teeth can develop green stains. Green teeth may not only impact a person’s smile but also indicate a medical issue.


Dental cysts – Everything you need to know

Dental cysts – Everything you need to know

August 9th,2022

Dental cysts are defined as closed cavities filled with a fluid-like material. Such fluid-filled sacs are typically formed and develop gradually around the jaw bone, and gums near the crown of a partially erupted tooth, especially molars and canines.

Teeth are more delicate in their development stage than erupted teeth, making the unerupted teeth more susceptible to dental cysts.

Even though dental cysts are harmless in most cases, they will lead to serious complications if the closed-off cavities (cysts) remain untreated. It is asymptomatic in its initial stages but it exhibits a variety of symptoms when the cysts grow more than 2 centimeters in diameter.


How do different types of water impact our dental health?

How do different types of water impact your dental health?

June 24th,2022

Everyone knows that water is an indispensable part of our lives. Water is an excellent source of nutritional compounds like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. Apart from feeding these nutrients, to our bodies drinking enough water every day is essential to regulate body temperature, eliminate toxins, hydrate the body cells, etc.

Similar to our physical well-being, water is beneficial for our oral health as well. Water is a natural mouth cleanser. Drinking plenty of water flushes out harmful bacteria from our mouths, strengthens teeth, prevents cavities, dry mouth, bad breath, and so on.

However, all types of water are not created equal. As their composition varies, their impact on our dental health also varies. Our dentists have explained a few common types of water and their effects on the oral cavity.


What is meant by chewable toothpaste tablet ?

What is meant by chewable toothpaste tablet?

March 30th,2022

Toothpaste tablets, also known as tooth tabs are small chewable tablets having the formula of regular toothpaste. Many people consider these dental tabs as an alternative to traditional toothpaste. Meanwhile, a lot of people are unaware of this. Our patients are also questioning us regarding chewable toothpaste tablets.

Hence we write this post to disclose the pivotal things everyone should know about tooth tabs.


How do miswak sticks support your oral hygiene routine?

How do miswak sticks support your oral hygiene routine?

March 19th,2022

When you think about a natural toothbrush, bamboo toothbrush, neem twigs would come into your mind. It is not a surprise because our ancestors prepared toothbrushes from such twigs and leaves. As bamboo toothbrushes, neem twigs are branded as natural organic toothbrushes and are easily accessible in many online shopping sites nowadays, people tend to switch from fancy plastic toothbrushes to natural toothbrushes.

As a dental care provider, we found that it is a healthy move because you can take advantage of nature’s goodness & power of science with those toothbrushes prepared from twigs.

In this post, our dentists and oral hygienists have discussed the oral health advantages of one such natural toothbrush that is also used for cleaning teeth for ages.


How do smokeless tobacco products affect your dental health?

How do smokeless tobacco products affect your dental health?

January 13th,2022

“Chewing tobacco is not additive like Cigarettes”, “Smokeless tobaccos are not much worse because we do not inhale it”

Do you believe these things? If Yes, this post is for you, friend. These are the common misconceptions regarding smokeless tobacco. If you don’t smoke cigarettes but consume smokeless tobacco like snuff, snus, dip, gutka, mawa, tobacco gum, or other forms, they also have a wreck on your health. Your dental health is not an exception.

Our dentists have explained chewing tobacco’s havoc on your oral cavity. Keep reading.


The impact of hormonal changes on women’s dental health

The impact of hormonal changes on women’s dental health

May 31st,2021

Women go through major hormonal changes throughout their lives, which can have a negative impact on their oral health. Many women are unaware of the impact that their hormone levels have on their teeth and gums.

At various stages of life, the complex link between oral health and female hormones can cause a variety of unwanted dental problems, symptoms, and issues, starting from dry mouth and gingivitis to a significant risk of tooth decay.
