Dental cysts – Everything you need to know

Dental cysts – Everything you need to know

August 9th,2022

Dental cysts are defined as closed cavities filled with a fluid-like material. Such fluid-filled sacs are typically formed and develop gradually around the jaw bone, and gums near the crown of a partially erupted tooth, especially molars and canines.

Teeth are more delicate in their development stage than erupted teeth, making the unerupted teeth more susceptible to dental cysts.

Even though dental cysts are harmless in most cases, they will lead to serious complications if the closed-off cavities (cysts) remain untreated. It is asymptomatic in its initial stages but it exhibits a variety of symptoms when the cysts grow more than 2 centimeters in diameter.


What is meant by dental space maintainer

What is meant by dental space maintainer?

October 22nd,2021

The baby teeth should stay in their places until the permanent teeth push out the milk teeth and hold their distinct places. Usually, this process takes place when an individual is 5 or 6 years old. It means milk teeth should need proper care even though they tend to fall out.

If a baby tooth comes out before than expected, some supplementary activities are indispensable to preserve the space left by the missing tooth. This is because the bone under the lost tooth begins to dwindle which makes the permanent teeth grow at abnormal positions, become misaligned or overcrowded.


Benefits of Early Orthodontics

What are the advantages of getting early orthodontic treatments?

July 27th,2021

Orthodontic treatments tend to improve the teeth alignment. The orthodontic teeth movement helps enhance the teeth functionality as well as boosting the smile aesthetics. Mostly, people get teeth straightening treatments in their late teens or adolescence whereas dentists recommend getting dental braces in the age range between 10 to 15 is more beneficial. This is because the mouth and teeth of individuals in this age range are still growing so that the teeth are easier to align.

Likewise, dental doctors recommend an approach called “Early Orthodontics” in which beginning the teeth straightening treatments at age 7. This early intervention in aligning the child’s teeth will be more straightforward and require less time to complete due to softer tissue, soft & developing jawbone.


Why do some people have baby teeth even after reaching adulthood?

Why do some people have baby teeth even after reaching adulthood?

May 28th,2021

Teeth begin to erupt when we are 6 to 10 months old. Such first set of teeth are known as baby teeth or primary teeth and play a crucial role in laying a framework for the permanent teeth. By age 3, all milk teeth are fully grown. The permanent teeth begin to develop around 6 years old underneath the existing ones. When they are fully developed, the adult teeth push out the primary teeth. All the 32 adult teeth may have developed completely when we are 21 years old.


baby with teeth

Why are baby teeth so important?

May 29th,2020

Baby teeth probably start to erupt from around the age of 6 months, and while attaining 3 years of age, most children will have a complete set of baby teeth.

 It is normal for people to believe that decay of baby teeth is not an issue as adult teeth can replace them. But baby teeth are vital, they ‘re the structure the adult teeth will grow around.

Decayed baby teeth can lead to pain, inflammation, eating problems, and even sleep. In most babies, the first baby tooth will not fall out until 6 or 7 years of age, and the final baby tooth will not fall out till early teens are too young to suffer from toothache or pain.

For several factors, infant teeth or “milk teeth” play a crucial role in the physical, mental, and social growth of a child. Unfortunately, many parents have the misconception that taking care of baby teeth isn’t important because they finally fall out.

Here are some factors why baby teeth mean a lot to your child:

Overall Nutrition and Health:

Healthy teeth are necessary for chewing; poor decayed teeth can develop a deficiency in nutrition. Non-treated, carious teeth can result in a severe infection that can rapidly spread to other regions of the body like the neck and the brain, where hospitalization is required at that time.

Position and alignment of permanent teeth:

Baby teeth are storage savers that keep space in their proper place and direct the adult teeth. If it is lost prematurely, next to teeth can shift in the open space, creating insufficient room for adult teeth to erupt, leading to impaction or crowding.

Stimulating natural facial bone growth and muscle development:

The permanent tooth bud is also partially responsible for the growth of healthy adult teeth and is close to the baby teeth. If babies with dental caries are left unchecked, the decay expands rapidly in the course of inflammation to the emerging adult tooth and causes permanent damage.

Development of speech:

Presence of baby teeth and correct placement help in the development of correct pronunciation.

Self Esteem:

A missing tooth or decayed teeth may cause a lack of social interaction and confidence.

By avoiding these problems, you can help keep your child’s mouth safe.

  • Postponing a ‘well-baby checkup’ or not giving it a priority.
  • Allowing kids with a bottle to bed. 
  • Giving the quantity of a diet rich in sugar.
  • Not utilizing X-rays, dental X-rays are a useful tool for identifying dental disorders.

Schedule for regular dental appointments after your first dental visit:

Children should visit their dentist every six months, much like adult regular appointments, unless otherwise advised. 

In addition to oral inspection, cleaning, and treatment with fluoride, X-rays may be prescribed based on the high cavity risk. X-rays pose very little risk, as lead protection and digital high-speed films are used to guarantee security and reduce the possibility of radiation to the child. 

To minimize your child’s fear about visiting a  dentist, educate your child by talking positively, learning, or showing videos regarding the dental visit a few days before the appointment, which will help them be less anxious and more optimistic.

clove oil in bottle

Dental health benefits of clove oil

February 21st,2020

From the ancient periods, clove has been used as a natural remedy to treat various dental problems. People do not see whether it is raw clove or oil, but they continuously believe in the medicinal benefits of this spice plant to treat cavities, infection, toothache and other oral problems.

When you read those ingredients present in toothpaste or mouthwash, you should have noticed this clove oil, because it is the main ingredient, which shows its strength and benefits in oral health.

Those who think to treat their dental problem in an herbal and natural way, clove oil is an excellent option for enhancing your health of teeth and gums.

When you think of your childhood days, your grandmother would have told you to bite and hold clove where there is an ache in a tooth. Yes, our ancient people followed this technique to get rid of toothache. Here are some of the major benefits of clove oil for dental health

Clove oil for toothache

As said above, if someone has a toothache in our home, the first remedy we suggest is to keep a clove in the area where there is a toothache. Unbelievably, it will relieve some sort of pain. Dentists recommend clove oil instead of clove to save the healthy tissues in the mouth from damage.

Therefore, whenever if pain arises, take clove oil and apply a drop in the pain area, as it will relieve the pain. However, if the pain still exists, consult the dentist as soon as possible.

Clove oil for cavity

Clove oil is still used by many people to fight cavities. This remedy is very useful and effective against cavities caused by infected teeth or bacteria. Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, they can treat various oral care problems.

To eliminate cavities apply a few drops of oil in the affected area before going to sleep. For amazing results, try this for a week every night. Use a cotton ball to dip the oil instead of using fingers.

Clove oil for mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are one of the common problems that should be treated as soon as possible to avoid any severe pain in the future. Here too the benefit of clove oil plays a major role in curing this problem.

This is simple, take a few drops of clove oil and mix it with warm water. Now put this mixture in your mouth and gargle thoroughly.

Due to the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of clove oil, it kills germs in the mouth and brings relief.

Clove oil for bad breath

Bad breath occurs due to the accumulation of germs and bacteria in the mouth. If you feel any bad odor in your mouth, you can believe clove oil due to its anti-bacterial properties to get immediate relief.

To eliminate bad breath, take clove oil, stevia extracts, and peppermint essential oil, mix all these ingredients and store it in a spray bottle. Whenever you feel the bad breath in your mouth, simply spray this mixture in your mouth to get relief from bad breath.

Clove oil for teething babies

Whenever new teeth emerge in babies, it causes pain to them. Gums become swollen and cause discomfort to them. This problem often disturbs their sleep and makes them cry. You can trust the properties of clove oil here, and it helps a lot in this condition.

If your baby is teething, take a few drops of clove oil and dilute them with water. Then apply the diluted oil in the baby’s gum. This relieves their pain and makes them sleep well.

Clove oil is one of the best natural remedies to cure any oral problems. However, you should brush and floss your teeth regularly and it is highly recommended to visit your dentist twice a year to maintain the best oral hygiene.