The advanced & safe option to restore your pearly white smile

Zoom Teeth Whitening – The advanced & safe option to restore your pearly white smile

October 27th,2021

Amongst the numerous solutions available for teeth whitening, you will choose the procedure that is highly effective, smooth & time-efficient. Right?

You might aware of laser teeth whitening to revamp your teeth’ natural color efficiently and quickly. Nowadays, cosmetic dentists prescribe a sophisticated approach called “Zoom teeth whitening” for dental bleaching. It will be the perfect choice for people who have stubborn stains that cannot be breached with traditional whitening solutions.


What is meant by dental space maintainer

What is meant by dental space maintainer?

October 22nd,2021

The baby teeth should stay in their places until the permanent teeth push out the milk teeth and hold their distinct places. Usually, this process takes place when an individual is 5 or 6 years old. It means milk teeth should need proper care even though they tend to fall out.

If a baby tooth comes out before than expected, some supplementary activities are indispensable to preserve the space left by the missing tooth. This is because the bone under the lost tooth begins to dwindle which makes the permanent teeth grow at abnormal positions, become misaligned or overcrowded.


Why do you have teeth & gum problems after COVID-19 recovery

Why do you have teeth & gum problems after COVID-19 recovery?

October 18th,2021

Even after surpassing the two waves of COVID, we are still witnessing the traces of coronavirus and its variants. Likewise, people who recovered from this dreadful disease are still encountering complications such as body ache, fatigue, difficulty in breathing, etc.

In the meantime, many covid survivors are going through various oral health problems like teeth mobility, toothache, discoloration in teeth, weakened gums, and other dental infections. Lots of people have reported that they had lost some teeth after recovered from the corona.


Why do black lines around the crown of a tooth appear

Why do black lines around the crown of a tooth appear?

October 12th,2021

Do you notice any dark lines around the dental restorative appliances like crowns or veneers you received?

Teeth crowns and veneers are bonded over a tooth to restore their natural appearance. It is crucial to take care of those repaired teeth because they are also susceptible to bacterial infection despite being they are coated with a sturdy substance.
