All You Need to Know About Forsus Springs

All You Need to Know About Forsus Springs: Uses, Treatment & Maintenance

August 30th,2022

Not often do we come across people with the perfect set of teeth and yes, that flawless smile. But the advancement in dental fields has paved the way for crafting the perfect set of teeth and smiles. And for those with an overbite, you might have come across your dentist suggesting you opt for Forsus Springs.

So what exactly does that mean? A Forsus Spring is a dental appliance fixed with a spring to the lower and upper jaw. The idea is to push the upper teeth backward while seamlessly pulling the lower teeth forward to resolve the overbite.


3 Steps to Clean Your Electric Toothbrush

3 Steps to Clean Your Electric Toothbrush

August 29th,2022

If you’re someone who just jumped into the bandwagon of switching to electric toothbrushes, then you might also need to look at the after care of these gadgets. Unlike regular toothbrushes, electric ones need special care in order to prolong their life and improve their performance.

If you start noticing any unpleasant odour coming from your toothbrush, it’s high time you take them up for a squeaky clean routine. For those who are in the crossroads of finding the perfect way to clean their toothbrushes, here’s a simple 3 way technique to clean your electric toothbrush.


Is it right to wear braces on one arch only?

Is it right to wear braces on one arch only?

August 19th,2022

Many youngsters have requested us to provide braces for top teeth alone. Likely, some patients asked to get braces on their bottom teeth only. It raises the question “Can I get braces for my top or bottom teeth only?” You might also think about this. Right?

Getting dental braces on either of the dentition is called single-arch orthodontic treatment (or) one-arch orthodontic treatment. It is possible to get braces for just one arch is possible under particular circumstances (minor imperfections) for some people alone.

Even if the teeth are misaligned in one arch but not the other, patients should wear braces for both. Keep reading to know the reasons.


Dental cysts – Everything you need to know

Dental cysts – Everything you need to know

August 9th,2022

Dental cysts are defined as closed cavities filled with a fluid-like material. Such fluid-filled sacs are typically formed and develop gradually around the jaw bone, and gums near the crown of a partially erupted tooth, especially molars and canines.

Teeth are more delicate in their development stage than erupted teeth, making the unerupted teeth more susceptible to dental cysts.

Even though dental cysts are harmless in most cases, they will lead to serious complications if the closed-off cavities (cysts) remain untreated. It is asymptomatic in its initial stages but it exhibits a variety of symptoms when the cysts grow more than 2 centimeters in diameter.
