Will sugar substitutes cause cavities?

Will sugar substitutes cause cavities & gum disease like refined sugar?

May 30th,2022

Artificial sweeteners, also known as Sugar substitutes are calorie-free, non-nutritive chemical substances that provide a sweet taste to foods and drinks. Some are made with benign chemicals, while others are prepared from naturally occurring substances like herbs. It allows people to enjoy the sweet flavor of nourishments but without sugar. They are prevalently used in eatables like jams, fruit juices, jellies, candies, etc.

It is a well-known fact that consuming too much sugar causes cavities and type 2 diabetes. However, certain people get dental caries, gum infections despite taking foodstuffs, and beverages that are branded as “Sugar-free”.

It has raised the question “Will artificial sweeteners affect our teeth?” in the minds of many people. It is also something that our patients have inquired about. We explained it in detail here. Keep reading.

How does sugar cause tooth decay?


Is it possible to save a re-infected tooth after Root Canal Treatment?

Is it possible to save a re-infected tooth after Root Canal Treatment?

May 25th,2022

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) provides a new lease of life to an immensely decayed tooth. RCT is recommended at times when infections reach the soft centre of a tooth. It is a specialized procedure focusing on removing the infected pulp chamber which is made up of a bundle of nerves, soft tissues, and blood vessels.

The endodontic treatments have ensured success rates range between 86% and 98%. It preserves an internally decayed tooth from being extracted and gets rid of the excruciating pain the diseased tooth triggered.

Such root canal-treated teeth can stay healthy for years but occasionally, re-infections can occur due to various reasons. Luckily, you can get retreatment to eliminate such painful circumstances occurring again.

How does a re-infected root canal occur?


What is meant by dental debridement?

What is meant by dental debridement?

May 16th,2022

Dental debridement, also known as Full Mouth Debridement (FMD) or Periodontal debridement is a kind of teeth cleaning procedure. It tends to remove extensive deposits of plaque from the teeth. It is required at times when a person has dense calcified deposits that cannot be removed with routine dental cleanings.  FMD cleanings are more aggressive than routine dental cleanings, yet they are the right fit to remove years of bacteria build-up.

If you maintain an inefficient oral hygiene practice and ignore periodic dental cleanings, you may get hard mineralized deposits on teeth and even underneath the gums. Such bacteria build-ups (dental calculus) can occur even in people who take good care of their teeth and gums.

Keep reading to know more about this teeth cleaning procedure.


Why do some kids & adults have small teeth but big gums?

Why do some kids & adults have small teeth but big gums?

May 7th,2022

As far as many people know, having short teeth is a cosmetic concern. Since a few teeth are smaller than the ideal size, it pushes the sufferer to deliver a disproportionate smile. Besides this, there is an excess of space in the mouth due to those atypically small teeth. If left untreated, it will lead to a variety of dental problems.

Microdontia is the medical term that represents the condition of having smaller teeth and such short teeth are called “Microdontic teeth” or “Microdonts”. Continue reading to learn more about this.

What are the types of Microdontia?
