What does gum line cavity mean?

January 9th,2023

Cavity is the most common dental problem that affects many people. According to the National Oral Health Survey of India, 69.3 percent of people suffer from tooth cavities (in the 35–44 age group). It can form anywhere on the teeth.

Many people do not know the difference between gum line cavities and other types of cavities.

This blog will explain to you in detail what gum line cavities are, what causes them, and how to treat them.

What is gum line cavity?

A gum-line cavity is one of the common dental conditions that affect the space between the gums and the teeth. Usually, this occurs if the root of a tooth gets exposed as a result of receding gum tissue, leaving them vulnerable to tooth decay or severe toothache. It is caused by pressure on these sensitive places.

In some cases, the gum line might develop cavities that reach the crown and the root.

However, a more extensive treatment might be required to prevent the cavity from growing larger.


Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Pulpotomies

Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Pulpotomies

December 19th,2022

A pulpotomy procedure involves removal of coronal pulp while trying to preserve the health of the remaining radicular pulp tissue.

It is one of the most widely used methods to save infected, decayed teeth. Your dentist might recommend it if you or your child has a severe cavity and pulpitis, an inflammation of the pulp inside the tooth.

What is meant by Pulpotomy?


What everybody ought to know about dental fissure sealants?

What everybody ought to know about dental fissure sealants?

September 27th,2022

Dental fissure sealants are clear composite resins and are primarily made up of glass ionomer. These sealants are used as a preventative dental treatment to protect molar and premolar teeth from developing pits & fissure cavities.

When you look at your molar teeth, they have groovy lines called fissures. Simultaneously, pits are also present. Such pits and fissures form the chewing surfaces of molar teeth. The deep grooves allow the food particles stuck and accumulate there. Meanwhile, the base of those grooves is inaccessible to toothbrush bristles.

In such cases, food debris and microbes pile up, followed by causing plaque build-up, cavities, etc. The pits and fissures increase the risk of cavities however impeccable your oral hygiene activities are.

This is where fissure sealants are required. The role of this thin coating material in safeguarding our teeth is explained in this blog article.


6 possible risks of untreated tooth decay you might not know

6 possible risks of untreated tooth decay you might not know

November 29th,2021

Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems. You have some form of cavities unless you take good care of your teeth. Remember that cavities occur gradually such as losing minerals, weakening the enamel, and eventually a hole will form. It means you can save a decayed tooth if it is treated timely. In contrast, many people neglect cavities due to which they invite serious problems like gum diseases.

You might know cavities penetrate deeper inside a tooth and affect the adjacent teeth. Surprisingly, the toxic microbes in a rotten tooth are linked to various long-term health issues. Researches show that some illnesses have their root from infections in teeth. When the oral microbes in a rotten tooth move to the bloodstream, various deadly diseases will occur.

Such clinical consequences of untreated cavities are explained here.


Common diseases that cause tooth decay

Common diseases that cause tooth decay

August 26th,2020

You might be wondered when your dentist asked about your lifestyle and day to day activities while treating a decayed tooth.  Tooth decay is not just a common oral problem that occurred with bacterial invasion on your teeth. Such dental caries can also be stimulated because of existing disorders or abnormal health conditions. It means cavities can happen with much more than poor oral care and food items you take. It is because the dentists are looking for your medical history to pinpoint the root cause of cavities at times.
