4 Ways You Can Relax a Stiff Jaw

4 Ways You Can Relax a Locked & Stiff Jaw

September 29th,2022

Stress, temporomandibular joint problems, nighttime teeth grinding, and tetanus, often known as lockjaw, are just a few causes of a tight jaw. Your temporomandibular joint controls your jaw (TMJ). Stress, misalignment, and tooth grinding can cause your TMJ to tighten or lock.

Visit your dentist if your locked jaw gets painful or severe. By using a mouthguard and managing your stress, you can keep your jaw in good shape.


Everything You Need to Know About Green Teeth

Everything You Need to Know About Green Teeth and What Causes Them

September 28th,2022

A cheerful and confident individual always has a pleasant smile on their face. When compared to green or discolored teeth, white teeth are frequently synonymous with a beautiful smile. Most people visit dentists who specialize in teeth whitening to have their teeth brightened.

Both primary (baby) teeth and secondary (permanent) teeth can develop green stains. Green teeth may not only impact a person’s smile but also indicate a medical issue.


What everybody ought to know about dental fissure sealants?

What everybody ought to know about dental fissure sealants?

September 27th,2022

Dental fissure sealants are clear composite resins and are primarily made up of glass ionomer. These sealants are used as a preventative dental treatment to protect molar and premolar teeth from developing pits & fissure cavities.

When you look at your molar teeth, they have groovy lines called fissures. Simultaneously, pits are also present. Such pits and fissures form the chewing surfaces of molar teeth. The deep grooves allow the food particles stuck and accumulate there. Meanwhile, the base of those grooves is inaccessible to toothbrush bristles.

In such cases, food debris and microbes pile up, followed by causing plaque build-up, cavities, etc. The pits and fissures increase the risk of cavities however impeccable your oral hygiene activities are.

This is where fissure sealants are required. The role of this thin coating material in safeguarding our teeth is explained in this blog article.


Tips to keep the mouth guards for snoring clean and tidy

How should you keep the anti-snore mouthguards clean and hygienic?

September 17th,2022

Snore guards, primarily known as snoring mouthguards are mouthpieces that are designed to stop snoring. Similar to other sleep apnea appliances like Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), and Tongue Stabilization devices, the mouthguard for snoring also protects the snorers from various damaging effects of snoring.

Wearing this appliance while sleeping will pull the lower jaw slightly forward hence that the position of muscles in the lower jaw and tongue base is adjusted. It makes these muscles not relax into the uvula region. Thus the airflow obstruction is corrected thereby the hoarse sound that occurs as a consequence is also prevented.

As the anti-snoring mouthpieces spend hours inside a person’s mouth, the wearer should keep the appliance clean. Keep reading to get the snore guard cleaning tips.
